
Fancy Peasant Crepes

Superb, savory crepes.

Fancy Peasant Crepes


  • 4 cups milk
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 cups flour
  • 2 tablespoons raw cane turbinado sugar
  • ½ tablespoon of salt
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • ½ tablespoon baking soda lit by two tablespoons red vinegar


  • In a large mixing bowl, add milk, eggs, sugar, salt, vanilla extra, and baking soda; add flour last.
  • Mix well until batter becomes fluffy.
  • Heat a non-stick skillet over medium heat and brush with a little softened butter.
  • For each crepe, pour about 4 tablespoons of batter into the center of the skillet. Tilt the skillet to spread the batter evenly until it covers the bottom of the skillet. When the edge peels off easily and begins to brown, it’s time to flip the crepe with a spatula. Continue cooking for 10 seconds, until cooked through, and remove.